The icing on the cake

I have always been a fan of those ‘little extras’ in life. The things that make your experience just that little bit more memorable, that touch of sparkle that stays with you long after the event has passed. It was my first job in London where this concept was ‘formalised’ in the form of TNT’s…Tiny Noticeable Touches. I was lucky enough to secure a job at Red Carnation Hotels, a hospitality company headed up by the grandmother of the London hospitality scene; Bea Tollman, and it was her that coined the phrase ‘Tiny Noticeable Touches’. Say these three small words to any employee of Red Carnation and they will immediately know what you mean; going the extra mile, surprising and delighting guests at every point of their journey and helping to create lasting and magical memories. I decided, very early on in my career, that this was most definitely a concept that I wanted to weave in to everything I did, both professionally and personally and this is very much at the forefront of my mind when planning any event, trip or experience.


Image - Sunrise in Bali

Imagine a sunrise hike up a dormant volcano in Bali…you get to the top and your reward is that spectacular sunrise, sounds pretty awesome right? Well how about this…you get to the top of the mountain, slightly out of breath and a little peckish, you round the last bend and see ahead of you a breakfast set up fit for a king (or queen!). You are handed a nice cold towel to mop your brow as waiters greet you with a chilled glass of bucks fizz and you nibble on tiny breakfast canapes as the sun comes up and you start your day in the best way possible.